Hopeful Minds Services
Christie's Family Health LLC



Christie's Family Health LLC offers mental health services via telehealth and in office to adolescent, teens, adults, and geriatric population.  Our number one goal is to ensure clients receive services that reduce stigma, limit barriers, and improve health. 

These specific services aim to treat and monitor symptoms of major depressive disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, PTSD, Bipolar, ADHD, Schizophrenia, substance abuse, etc.

Christie's Family Health LLC also offers ADHD/ADD Assessment for treatment of ADD/ADHD.

We do not prescribe Benzodiazepine and do not continue treatment.


- Major Depressive Disorder

- Generalized Anxiety Disorder

ADHD Assessment

- Panic Disorder

- Substance Abuse

- Neuropsychological Testing (ADD/ADHD Testing)

A diagnostic assessment for ADHD involves three main parts: gathering a clinical history through an interview with your provider, an objective measurement of symptoms using QbTest, and the completion of one or more rating scales.

- Schizophrenia

- Bipolar


- Peptide Therapies

Tired of that stubborn belly fat that you just can not get rid of? Well Christie’s Family Health LLC now specialize in peptide therapies. Peptide treatment can help individuals loss stubborn belly fat, delay aging skin with anti-aging treatment, and improve athletic performance.

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